Patient Stories

Living Life to the Fullest: A Story of Hope and Hospice

Living Life to the Fullest: A Story of Hope and Hospice

After three months of hospice care, Gwynn has outlived her prognosis and has experienced a significant improvement in her quality of life. With pain and other symptoms under control, she can now do many things she enjoys, including a daily walk on a nearby trail. “Before hospice, I was dying. Now I’m living,” Gwynn said gratefully. “Hospice of the Northwest gave me my life back.”

Patient Spotlight: Heather

Patient Spotlight: Heather

In this video, Hospice of the Northwest patient Heather, her family, and part of her hospice team share the values of coming onto hospice early and how hospice has enriched her life. Her reaction to what life is like while on hospice will probably surprise you.

Give the Gift of Cherished Moments

Give the Gift of Cherished Moments

This holiday season, we reflect on the generosity and impact you, our donors, have made over the years. Your gift, no matter the size, helps create meaningful moments for our patients and memories for their loved ones to hold onto during their grief. Please consider...

A Man of the Community – Meet Rob Guy!

A Man of the Community – Meet Rob Guy!

For hospice patient Rob Guy and his wife Andrea, taking to the sky was a lifelong ritual. Andrea explains, “When we were dating 50 years ago, and of course after we were married, I noticed Rob was always looking skyward and he started teaching me. He knew all the...

Every Moment of Life

Every Moment of Life

  Floyd Palm loved to fly. A pilot since 1964, the cockpit of his Cessna was his second home. Dozens and dozens of flight logs detail his journeys: short hops around the Midwest and epic long-distance flights like his trip from Ontario to Guatemala.  For Floyd, family...

Hospice Honors Veterans

Hospice Honors Veterans

Some things in our lives embody such significant memories that they transform from inanimate objects to physical reminders of a story and a life. For Robert (Bobby) Keenan, it was the Purple Heart Medal awarded to him for heroic efforts and injuries he sustained...

Meet Lynn

Meet Lynn; mother, traveler, gardener, and hospice patient. Lynn called Hospice of the Northwest early, so she and her husband could be surrounded with services and support as she moved through her end-of-life journey.

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