Holistic Care for the Whole Person

Every Hospice of the Northwest patient is assigned a dedicated care team. These clinicians work across several disciplines to support your personalized care plan. The core team consists of a board-certified physician, nurse, social worker, and spiritual counselor. Our holistic approach, where your mind, body, and spirit are all part of the equation, means spiritual care is an important aspect of the end-of-life journey.

Hospice care is not just about treating the patient. Families and loved ones are an equal part of this journey. Your spiritual counselor is also here to walk alongside your family members and your circle of support as they navigate the end-of-life challenges.

Spirituality means different things to different people

Many people assume spiritual care is based on religion. At Hospice of the Northwest, we know that spirituality means different things to different people. We view spirituality as an umbrella, which may not include faith or religion at all. Spirituality can look like walking in the woods. It can also look like art or listening to music or playing with the child. Our goal is to meet you where you are and walk with you, whatever is most meaningful at this phase of life.

The spiritual care umbrella can include faith and a religious community if that is supportive for you. For some individuals, faith has been an important part of their life and can bring comfort during challenging times. Your spiritual counselor can reach out to clergy and include your faith in this journey. We are here to learn about you and treat you as a whole person.

Spiritual counselors focus on what matters most to you

Our spiritual counselors are focused on you, your experience, and what matters most to you right now. Whether you have a religious affiliation or not, your spiritual counselor is available to listen to your stories and be a place of unconditional acceptance for your experience.

Spiritual CounselorSpiritual care also helps you understand some of the bigger questions that may come up at end of life:

    • What is most important to you right now?
    • What do you want for the rest of your life?
    • Are there issues or conversations left unresolved?

This is an important time to explore what matters most during your end-of-life journey. Our spiritual counselors are experienced, and ready to walk with you through this process.

The focal points of hospice care are compassion and dignity. You get to define what quality of life means for you at the end of life. Your dedicated hospice care team will work to fulfill your personalized care plan and honor your wishes to the best of their ability.

If you have would like to learn more about spiritual care at Hospice of the Northwest, call us at (360) 814–5550 or fill out the email form to the right.

“We don’t have any particular spiritual or religious affiliation. Our role is to meet people where they are and walk with them in the journey of end-of-life.”

Karuna Duvall, Board-Certified Spiritual Counselor

Spiritual Care

Watch this video to learn more about Spiritual Care at Hospice of the Northwest.

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