Olanzapine (Zyprexa) for Nausea

June 2017 – Olanzapine has “broad spectrum” activity for difficult to treat nausea.

Olanzapine has broad activity at dopaminergic and serotonin receptors as well as activity along histaminic, muscarinic, and alpha-adrenergic pathways.

Nausea treatment includes eliminating nauseating medications or supplements when possible, assessing and treating constipation, and treating acid-related dyspepsia.

If an anti-emetic is needed, olanzapine is available generically as a tablet or ODT tablet inexpensively. Typical starting dose is

Olanzapine 2.5 mg twice daily for nausea

We have used doses up to 5 mg every 6 hours with good effect, and usually only mild sedation.

For more information contact Dr. Leslie Estep or Dr. Anita Meyer at Hospice of the Northwest,
360-814-5550, or lestep@hospicenw.org  or  ameyer@hospicenw.org

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